Is Flatulence Beneficial? (Smell Matters?)
- What Is Flatulence?
- Causes
- Are Farts Bad for You (or Beneficial)?
- Natural Remedies
Most of us have been in that awkward situation: experiencing excessive farting that is beyond our control and brings about a tremendous amount of embarrassment. While the average person farts on a daily basis, some individuals struggle with a bloated stomach and excessive flatulence more frequently than others. One of the most irritating aspects of having gas is that it seems almost impossible to minimize it and identify the precise cause, considering the multitude of potential culprits.
As you’ve likely experienced numerous times, some farts can be extremely foul-smelling and noisy, while others manage to go unnoticed. Have you ever wondered how much farting is excessive? A generally healthy person might pass gas 14 to 18 times a day, sometimes without even realizing it because the farts are mostly silent and odorless.
Rather than focusing on the frequency of your farting, it might be more beneficial to consider the smell of your flatulence and examine other digestive symptoms present to determine if it has truly become a problem.
Is there anything to be concerned about regarding your gas? The answer is both yes and no.
Some flatulence is normal, especially when consuming a whole foods, high-fiber diet. However, excessive gas combined with other symptoms could indicate that something is amiss within, particularly when it comes to the digestion of certain foods.
Excessive farting can be a warning sign that the normal dynamics of intestinal gas have been compromised. This could result in subtle dysfunctions in intestinal motility, bacterial growth, or changes in the composition of the microbiome.
Continue reading to gain more knowledge about flatulence and when you should and should not be worried about your farts.
What Is Flatulence?
What precisely is a fart? A fart, also known as gas, “passing wind” or flatulence, is caused by the internal accumulation of gases that form during the processes of digestion and respiration. The causes of farts and their development within the digestive tract vary significantly depending on the individual and the circumstances.
The primary type of gas that gets trapped within the body and leads to flatulence is nitrogen, which researchers estimate accounts for approximately 20 to 90 percent of all the gas causing farts. Following nitrogen, carbon dioxide also contributes to the gaseous volume of farts (about 10 to 30 percent), along with oxygen (up to 10 percent), methane (around 10 percent) and hydrogen (about 10 to 50 percent).
Methane and hydrogen are actually both flammable gases – which explains why you might have witnessed some cartoon characters igniting their farts with a flame during your childhood. The combination of the gases described above typically causes a smell because some contain sulfur, the same smelly compound found in foods such as eggs or cruciferous vegetables.
Why is there such a wide range in the percentages of gases within a fart and the level of smelliness, depending on the specific person? This is related to the amount of air swallowed by an individual in a typical day, the types of foods in their diet, and also the internal chemical reactions occurring within the microbiome or intestines during digestion.
The severity of the smells associated with flatulence mainly depends on the percentage of different gases present in the body at any given moment. Surprisingly, the majority of the gas within a fart is odorless, and only a very small proportion (around 1 percent) causes the characteristic foul smell of farts. The reason for the stench generally comes down to the amount of sulfurous gases formed within the intestines.
Within a fart, several sulfur-related compounds develop that contribute to the intensity of the fart’s smell. These include:
- Hydrogen sulphide: This is the component of a fart that usually smells like rotten eggs. Not only does it have an unpleasant odor, but it is also flammable and can be toxic when consumed in large quantities. The human body produces some of its own hydrogen sulphide, but interestingly, it is also generated in the environment in places like swamps, sewage systems and certain types of explosive volcanic rock.
- Methanethiol: This is naturally present within the human body, mostly within the blood and brain. Have you ever opened your refrigerator and been hit by a strong smell of leftover veggies? Methanethiol has a strong smell similar to cruciferous veggies, including broccoli or cabbage. This same compound also contributes to other types of body odors, including bad breath.
- Dimethyl sulphide: Here’s another chemical compound that contributes to the smelliness of veggies. This is responsible for the smell produced when you cook items like Brussels sprouts. It is present in foods along with methanethiol and is created from the formation of certain bacteria.
You’re likely wondering what causes the accumulation of gas within your body, right? Excessive gas and gas pains can be attributed to various health issues, normal variations in hormonal levels that affect digestion (such as your menstrual cycle), or specific foods. While the triggers may differ from person to person, the way gas forms within the body remains largely the same.
Within the body, gas follows the same pathway in your digestive system as feces do. Eventually, the accumulated gas makes its way through your intestines and out of your colon, just like feces.
Along this journey, certain factors can halt or interfere with the normal release of built-up gas, causing gas pains, bloating and indigestion. This uncomfortable feeling is an indication that you’re having difficulty ridding your body of excess gas – possibly because certain foods in your diet are irritating your gut or digestive organs, leading to side effects such as bacterial growth or fermentation along the way.
Bloating and gas often go hand in hand because when a certain amount of gas is retained within the gut, people develop abdominal distension (a swollen belly) and various gassy symptoms. Just like farting, abdominal distension is related to the volume of gas within the gut and depends on both intestinal motor activity (gas is better tolerated when the gut and digestive muscles are relaxed) and the internal distribution of gas.
Some of the reasons gas becomes trapped within the body abnormally include:
- Swallowing air (aerophagia): This involves unconsciously swallowing air that accumulates in the stomach and is then released through belching or farting. This process is triggered by changes in the muscles that control the intake of air, followed by repetitive and ineffective attempts of belching that cause air to enter the stomach. One reason you might be swallowing air and farting as a consequence? You could be eating too quickly and thus not chewing your food properly.
- Gaseous odor accumulation: Smelly farts are usually the result of gas produced by colonic bacteria during the fermentation of unabsorbed food residues that reach the colon.
- Changes in the microflora: Gas also depends on the composition of the colonic flora – in other words, the type of bacteria residing within the digestive system. We know that each person is unique in terms of microbiome composition, which means there are individual variations that might contribute to, or protect us from, excessive gas production and evacuation.
- Constipation: Impaired anal evacuation leads to gas retention. Constipation also prolongs the fermentation process of foods in the digestive system, increasing internal gas production.
Here’s the million-dollar question: Why do some farts make a distinct sound, while others are “silent but deadly”? This is related to the alignment of muscles within your colon or rectum. Certain muscles assist in controlling the speed at which gas is released, either tightly holding the gases inside or allowing them to be released more rapidly, which can cause a sound.
Do you know someone who can “fart on demand”? That’s likely because that person’s sphincter muscles, which control the exit of gas and waste from the body, are easily relaxed, enabling them to release internal gases whenever they desire.
Of course, diet has an impact on flatulence, and underlying conditions can contribute to gas and farting.
Are Farts Bad for You (or Beneficial)?
Farting is regarded as a normal bodily reaction and something we all encounter at some point. Since it is the act of releasing internal gas from the body, similar to a burp or even breathing, it is typically harmless and in fact necessary for normal metabolic functions.
Most of the time, your farts are merely inconvenient rather than something to be overly concerned about. In fact, they might even offer some protection in certain instances! That’s right – your farts could be a sign that your “gut bugs” are well-nourished and working diligently and that your diet is largely healthy.
Diets rich in fiber-rich foods tend to cause gas, but they also feed the beneficial bacteria that make up your immune system and help safeguard you from various diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, diabetes and obesity.
Aside from being an indication that you’re consuming plenty of fiber, the gases within your farts might even have benefits.
Farts contain hydrogen sulphide, a gas produced by certain natural bodily processes and necessary as part of cellular functions. While I wouldn’t recommend intentionally smelling your own or anyone else’s farts just yet, it’s possible that inhaling hydrogen sulphide (yes, from your very own farts!) in small doses might assist in protecting cells’ mitochondria and preventing cellular damage to some extent.
On the other hand, excessive farting could be a sign that digestive processes are going awry and that an underlying issue might be to blame.
Some underlying causes for excessive gas accumulation include:
- Food sensitivities or intolerances (see the list of common culprits below)
- Fermentation of bacteria within the gut from consuming FODMAP foods
- Leaky gut syndrome or digestive disorders, including Crohn’s, celiac disease and irritable bowel syndrome
- Constipation
- SIBO (small intestinal bacteria overgrowth)/excessive bacteria in the small intestine. Normally, food mingles with digestive juices in the intestines and nutrients are absorbed into the bloodstream while waste is sent to the colon, but with SIBO, malabsorption occurs, particularly of fat-soluble vitamins and iron, leading to abnormal bacteria growth and gas.
How can you determine if your gas is a cause for genuine concern? Check if you experience other warning signs concurrently with excessive gas. When dealing with a lot of flatulence, look out for other abnormal symptoms including:
- Weakness or fatigue
- Skin rashes, acne or hives
- Signs of allergies, such as watery eyes and an itchy throat
- Constipation or diarrhea
- Blood in your stool or urine
- Pain around your lymph nodes, including in your groin, throat or armpits
- Changes in your body temperature, weight, sleep and menstrual cycle
Natural Remedies
If you find yourself constantly dealing with excessive gas, the first step is to assess your diet. You might have difficulties breaking down certain foods or be experiencing an accumulation of sulfur, bacteria or yeast.
The tendency of foods to cause excessive gas varies significantly from person to person, so it usually requires some experimentation to determine your major triggers. That said, there are some “common culprits” in the realm of farting that are likely involved in your struggle.
Some of the Worst Foods for Gas
- Beans: More than any other food, beans have a notorious reputation for causing gas. This is because they contain a type of carbohydrate called polysaccharides, which readily ferment once they enter the gut. The bacteria in your gut thrive on these carbohydrates, causing fermentation and an increase in gas. Fortunately, you don’t have to avoid beans and legumes altogether – soaking them overnight before cooking helps make them more digestible (the same applies to nuts, which have a similar carbohydrate content), which is great news considering they can provide an abundance of nutrients and fiber.
- Dairy: Lactose intolerance is a common digestive problem worldwide, although many people might be unaware that they cannot properly digest foods containing milk, cheese, yogurt or traces of dairy. Milk and milk products contain high concentrations of the disaccharide lactose (galactose and glucose linked by a beta-galactoside bond), which can be challenging to break down. For some people, lactose intolerance causes obvious signs of indigestion in addition to flatulence, but for others the effects are more mild and may go untreated and unresolved.
- Sulfur-containing veggies: Veggies in the Brassica (or cruciferous) family tend to cause more gas than any other veggies because they are higher in fiber, certain types of carbohydrates and sulfur. These include cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, cauliflower and kale. They are usually less likely to cause gas when cooked as opposed to eaten raw, but even then they might still pose problems. It helps to consume them in small quantities at one time, avoid eating too many types in a single day and chew them thoroughly.
- FODMAPs: If you’re not familiar with FODMAPs, it’s worth researching them and potentially attempting an elimination diet. There are numerous different foods that are typically healthy but also contain FODMAP carbohydrates, which can be difficult to break down. FODMAP foods include onions, garlic, wheat, dairy, stone fruit and legumes. FODMAPs (fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides and polyols) is an acronym for a collection of food molecules (mostly carbs/sugars) that are short-chained carbohydrates, which are fermentable and sometimes poorly absorbed. Their effects vary greatly from person to person, with some causing an increase in gut bacteria and gastrointestinal problems more than others depending on specific tolerances.
- Starchy, high-fiber foods: Starches and fibers like potatoes, grains, seeds/nuts, corn and beans contribute a significant amount of healthy fiber to your diet, but they can also increase gas. Generally speaking, high-fiber foods are beneficial for your digestive system and crucial for forming stool, but they also require some effort to break down and can contribute to fermentation as they provide various types of carbohydrates.
- Processed, artificial and high-fat foods: Some people lack the necessary digestive enzymes to fully break down fats, especially when the fats are rancid and highly processed – such as the hydrogenated types used in fried or fast foods. Packaged, processed foods also contain numerous synthetic ingredients like artificial sweeteners, preservatives or colors that are harsh on the digestive system. The more natural and unrefined a food or source of oil or fat is, the easier it should be to metabolize properly without causing gas.
Dietary and Lifestyle Changes to Lower Flatulence
- Try an elimination diet: Eliminating common digestive triggers one at a time helps you identify which might be causing your gas. Examine your current diet and attempt to determine if there’s anything highly processed and likely to trigger your symptoms – then start there. When following an elimination diet, remove suspect foods for several days (or even weeks) before reintroducing them, comparing your symptoms.
- Use probiotics: Probiotics assist in restoring the healthy bacteria in your gut that promote proper digestion. Incorporate probiotic foods into your diet, such as yogurt, kefir, kombucha, and cultured veggies like sauerkraut or kimchi.
- Add spices to your diet: There are numerous spices, teas and herbs that can help combat digestive issues and facilitate nutrient breakdown, including ginger, turmeric, fennel/anise, cumin, caraway, licorice and curry. These have been utilized for centuries in various parts of the world such as India and the Mediterranean to enhance digestion, as well as in healing systems such as Ayurveda medicine.
- Try digestive enzymes: As you’ve likely gathered by now, one of the reasons you might be experiencing gas is because you’re unable to properly metabolize the foods you’re consuming. This is where natural digestive enzymes come into play. They handle some of the digestive work for you. These can be purchased from your local drugstore or online and are usually completely natural, made from substances like papaya and bromelain enzymes (from pineapple), for example. Digestive enzymes work to fully break down amino acids, fatty acids, cholesterol, simple sugars and nucleic acids so they are absorbed and don’t cause as much gas or bacterial residues.
- Exercise and drink more water: Both of these actions assist in moving waste and nutrients throughout and out of your body. Water is important when consuming fiber as it helps the fiber expand and remain lubricated, rather than remaining hard and stuck within the digestive system. Exercise also helps alleviate stress, which is linked to all kinds of digestive complaints.
Final Thoughts
- A generally healthy person might pass gas 14–18 times per day, sometimes without even realizing it because the farts are mostly silent and odorless.